Welcome to Café 't Mandje's Blog

Background picture blog by Fridtjof Versnel ©

Besides Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Feest.je, Foursquare and our own website www.cafetmandje.nl this blog will be yet another source of information about our famous little bar.
On the above social media we'll also be posting promotions: secret passwords for free drink, quiz about the bar's history, etc.

donderdag 24 februari 2011

The old days

In Rome, so we visited Ettore, who worked in Café 't Mandje with Auntie Bet and Auntie Greet. He has some wonderful stories about those days. Like when two busloads of people from Limburg showed up at the bar one morning. Closed. So they rang the bell of the upstairs. "Auntie Bet! We're all here from Limburg, we want a drink!" So Auntie Bet, still drunk from the night before, came down in her pajamas and opened the bar and partied on. All day long. In her pajamas.

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