Welcome to Café 't Mandje's Blog

Background picture blog by Fridtjof Versnel ©

Besides Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Feest.je, Foursquare and our own website www.cafetmandje.nl this blog will be yet another source of information about our famous little bar.
On the above social media we'll also be posting promotions: secret passwords for free drink, quiz about the bar's history, etc.

zondag 2 januari 2011

H+Club: Wednesday 5 Jan 20:00

Every first Wednesday of the month:
H+Club at Café 't Mandje. 

Drink, dance, sing and talk about HIV and other STD's in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere. Ask your questions. Shorer Foundation and Healt Dept. professionals are there the answer you. THERE ARE NO SILLY QUESTIONS!

The kick-off of our H+Club last Dec 1st (World AIDS Day) was a success. What we can do is obviously very small scale, but every little bit helps. By having a quiz on STD's/HIV people at the bar started talking about their fears, ideas etc. For the professionals of the Schorer Foundation and the Health Dept. people present it was also very interesting to hear the questions people had. We welcome men, women of all walks of life.

Talking about HIV and other STD's helps to contain the spread of infections. It also helps to stop ignorance on the subject and take away the stigma.

We find it unbelievable that HIV infections are still spreading. Even worse than in the eighties. It's not just gay man risking infection. Young people and women are also at risk. Protect yourself, protect others. Get your information to stop spreading STD's. There is a false sense of security because there are pills to take nowadays. This medication is NO PICKNICK.  Catching a STD other than HIV, makes you more vulnerable for HIV. Most infections can only be detected through medical tests. If you don't get checked every now and then you can not know your OK.

Useful links:

Schorer for men Schorer voor mannen die seks hebben met mannen 
Schorer for women Schorer werkt aan de bevordering van gezondheid en welzijn van lesbische en biseksuele vrouwen in verschillende levensfasen.
SOA poliklliniek GGD Amsterdam Bij de SOA polikliniek (SOA staat voor seksueel overdraagbare aandoening) van de GGD Amsterdam kunt u terecht voor gratis onderzoek en, indien nodig, behandeling van SOA. Sense staat voor seksuele hulpverlening: vragen over geslachtsziekten (SOA/HIV) (on)gewenste zwangerschap, abortus, anticonceptie (ook plaatsing spiraaltjes en implanon) en seksualiteit. 
De SOA polikliniek van de GGD is een aanvullende voorziening op de huisartsenzorg.

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