Welcome to Café 't Mandje's Blog

Background picture blog by Fridtjof Versnel ©

Besides Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Feest.je, Foursquare and our own website www.cafetmandje.nl this blog will be yet another source of information about our famous little bar.
On the above social media we'll also be posting promotions: secret passwords for free drink, quiz about the bar's history, etc.

zaterdag 1 januari 2011

New Year's Eve Party 2010-2011

It was a great party! Very nice crowd. Happy New Year to you all! Thinking of renaming the place Oxhoofd/Richter. I just love that old funky music and apparently so do a lot of people. Everyone dancing to Slave to the rythm and other great dance hits. Movie by Bobby

donderdag 30 december 2010

Music from 't Mandje. This list contains music as it was played in the old bar over the many years of its existence.

Music from 't Mandje. This list contains music as it was played in the old bar over the many years of its existence.

Spotify Playlist Café 't Mandje Enjoy!

Friday Dec 31st. New Year's Eve at Café 't Mandje.

Friday Dec 31st. New Year's Eve at Café 't Mandje.
Champagne, snacks, oilballs & appleflaps.
Let's drink and dance into the new year.
Dress up!
See you there!

woensdag 29 december 2010

Happy New Year !!!!! We are ready for 2011

 Lieve allemaal, Dear everyone,

Bedankt allemaal voor de klandizie, de aandacht voor, het vertrouwen in, de complimenten, de links over, de tweets over, de bezoekjes aan, de muziek, de kaarten, de gastenboekberichten, de publiciteit over en het plezier in Café ´t Mandje. Bedankt voor 2010. 
Wij zijn er ook in 2011. Café 't Mandje bestaat 24 februari 2011 84 jaar en a.s. 29 april zijn we alweer 3 jaar heropend. 
We wensen iedereen een prachtig 2011. Laten we er een prachtig, gelukkig en vrolijk 2011 van maken samen. Of je nou gay bent of hetero, lesbisch, transgender, zwart, wit, groen, katholiek, hindoe, atheist of moslim, lang of kort, dik, dun, lawaaiig of stil, rijk of arm. Wees lief tegen elkaar, we kunnen morgen wel dood wezen. Wat hebben we te verliezen?

Thanks everyone for your patronage, the attention for, the trust in, the compliments, the links about, de tweets about, the visits to, the music, the postcards, the guestbook entries, the publicity aboute and the fun in Café 't Mandje. Thank you for 2010.
We'll be here in 2011. Café 't Mandje will exist 84 years on Feb. 24th and April 29th it will be 3 years since we re-opened.
We wish everyone a wonderful 2011. 

Let's all have a wonderful, happy, fun 2011 together. Be you gay, straight, lesbian, transgender, black, white, green, catholic, hindu, atheist or muslim, tall, short, fat, thin, loud or quiet, rich or poor. Be nice to each other, we could all be dead tomorrow. What's there to loose?

From all of us at Café 't Mandje
Bobby, Orlando, Bert, Joke, Diana

dinsdag 28 december 2010

New Year's Eve Dec 31, 2010

Dec 31, 2010 New Year's Eva Party. Met oliebollen, dansen op verzoeknummers of zelf uitgekozen muziek van de jukebox, hapjes, champagne. Knappe kleren aan graag! We gaan feesten! With "oilballs", dancing to requests of selfselected music from the jukebox, snacks, champagne. Dress up! We're having a party!

zondag 26 december 2010

Our jukebox 2

The Foundation Friends of Café 't Mandje has made it possible to get the old jukebox fixed. And now it's working again. Adjusted to the euro-age, you can play two songs for 50cts. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to..... the Foundation Friends of Café 't Mandje.

After first visit of the jukebox doctor: She sounds a bit off, Karen Carpenter, and you have to tilt your head, but there is hope for our jukebox! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=162634233761629

Our jukebox

Great pic by Merlin vonIrrwegen